a cup of espresso being poured over vanilla ice cream that’s in a clear glass
Photo by Ieva Kisunaite on Unsplash

4 Things to Eat & Drink to Feel Like You’re on Vacation

When “out of office” isn’t an option, get a taste of relaxation with these easy-to-implement tips

Kasey Yanna
4 min readFeb 21, 2022


I’m sitting at a booth in my coworking space, typing away on my laptop. To the right of my laptop is a cup of cold brew with a spoon sitting inside. It was used to add two scoops of vanilla ice cream to my…



Kasey Yanna

Eating + drinking my way to happiness. But in a healthy-ish way. You know, with well-being & productivity in mind. To collaborate, email karuedas@gmail.com.